
Space Rental Agreement

  • We are happy that you chose Chabad of Sheepshead Bay as the venue for your enrichment program. 

    Our staff will help in any way to make your event a most memorable one. Please helps us keep Chabad of Sheepshead Bay a beautiful and highly reputable venue-and thank you in advance for respecting our policies and guidelines so that we may both feel comfortable coming back for future events. If we can be of further assistance or if you’d like to discuss information in greater detail, feel free to call us at 718-934-9331. 

    Space Details

    The hall is approximately 1,200 sq. ft   There is a kitchenette with sink and 2 bathrooms on premises. 

    Space Rental Fees

    Standard:$75.00 per hour (minimum 2 hours)

    plus a Setup & cleanup: $40 FLAT FEE 

  • Rules and Regulations

  • Food and Use of Kitchen

    All foods served must be certified Kosher and approved by our Rabbi. In keeping with kosher dietary laws, kitchen should not be used for any purpose.  Refrigerator and freezer can be used to store cake.

    Indemnification / Damages

    Host agrees to maintain responsibility for attendees during the time of event. By signing below, Chabad of Sheepshead Bay/Rabbi Cohen is absolved of said responsibility. Host will be held financially responsible for any and all damage incurred to hall, building and/or equipment and utensils in the course of the event.

    Halachic Observances

    Saturday night events: Saturday night events begin at a minimum of 90 minutes after Shabbat conclusion.  Any setup, preparation or arrival of caterer and/or event items/supplies/etc. at Chabad’s premises may not occur until after the conclusion of Shabbat.  This time varies weekly; please consult with office for the Shabbat end time.

    Our facility strictly follows Halachah, and guests are respectfully expected to do their utmost to adhere to its letter and spirit.  Thank you for your consideration.

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